Tea vs coffee — what do you prefer?

coffee beans

Does the stereotypical coffee or tea drinker exist? Maybe so with builders having their own brand of tea, but what about coffee? Is it the drink of choice for high powered business people, sleep deprived writers or sophisticated 20 something’s sipping lattes in European cafes?

Perhaps your stereotypical coffee drinker is harder to pin down – coffee drinkers like coffee beans come in a multitude of styles. Perhaps with both tea and coffee it would be best to group people by character rather than vocation.

From observation I’ve noticed that people who are only tea drinkers and don’t enjoy coffee at all tend to be perhaps a bit more laid back, whereas those in favour of coffee beans might be more likely to have more drive. In high powered meetings, the drink of choice is often coffee – whereas tea might well be the drink you would wind down with after a hard day at work.

Going back to the initial question ‘Is coffee the drink of choice for high powered business people, sleep deprived writers or sophisticated 20 something’s sipping lattes in European cafes? I’d have to say now that I think coffee is the drink of choice for people who want to succeed and achieve.

I know this is a sweeping statement, but if research was conducted I think the results would back me up. Coffee beans are stimulants and the caffeine helps to wake us up, improve memory and concentration while we’re drinking it and refresh us for the day ahead.

When you’ve got a lot going on, whether you’re a busy student, a new business owner or you’ve just need a wake up kick, you’re not going to sip chamomile tea throughout the day are you?

Of course, not everyone sticks to just one type of tea of coffee. When you start to observe the drinking patterns of people you spend a lot of time with, you notice all kinds of things. For example, some people might drink coffee throughout the morning and then wind down with a builder’s style tea in the afternoon, finishing with a chamomile tea in the evening before bed.

What are your coffee drinking habits?