The history of coffee: Coffee spreads throughout the world

beans and groundsAs coffee became increasingly popular, the fact that it was only cultivated in Arabia began to prove a bottleneck. Arabia was keen to continue controlling the global supply, and guarded the plants jealously, but in the late 17th century the Dutch finally succeeded in getting their hands on some seedlings which they tried to plant in India. This initial attempt failed, but they managed to cultivate the plants in Batavia, on the island of Java in what is now Indonesia. The coffee plants thrived, and soon production spread to nearby islands.

In the early 18th century, the Mayor of Amsterdam gave a young coffee plant as a gift to the French king, Louis XIV, who ordered it planted in the Royal Botanical Garden in Paris. A few years later, Gabriel de Clieu, a young French naval officer, managed to take a seedling from this plant and smuggle it to Martinique where it was duly planted and thrived. That single plant is credited with being the parent of the 18 million coffee bushes that were to cover the island over the next few decades, and which also became the foundation of many of the Caribbean and South and Central American bushes.

In a little over a century, coffee was firmly established as a valuable commercial crop. Travellers and traders began to carry the seeds around the world, and new bushes were planted across the globe in different environments. By the end of the 18th century, coffee was well on its way to becoming the global crop it is today.

Here at the Wholesale Coffee Company, we’re keeping up with the proud history of coffee by supplying top quality coffee and coffee accessories at great wholesale prices. For more information, please visit


Coffee and Arabia

konaThe Arabian Peninsula (now split into Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yeman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait) has a long and distinguished relationship with the world’s favourite hot drink, as it was was the first area where coffee was deliberately cultivated. By the fifteenth century it was being grown in what’s now the Yemen and a hundred years later it was being traded and grown across Persia (Iran), Egypt, Syria and Turkey.

Coffee quickly became so popular that public coffee houses, or gahveh khaneh, were set up, quickly becoming important social hubs. Activities not only included coffee drinking, but also music, entertainment, board games, conversation and an exchange of the important news of the day. The coffee houses became so important both culturally and as a quick and efficient way of exchanging information that they became known as ‘schools of the wise’, and coffee itself as the ‘wine of Araby’.

At the time, Arabia was in a unique position as thousands of pilgrims flocked to the holy city of Mecca every year on a pilgrimage, coming from all over the world. With so many people visiting from foreign lands, news of the wonderful new drink began to leak out. Arabian had a virtual monopoly in the early coffee trade, and wasn’t anxious to share its secrets. Exported beans were often boiled or parched to render them infertile, and it’s believed that for a long time no coffee at all grew outside Africa and Arabia.

In the 17th century, legend has it that an Indian pilgrim named Buba Budan managed to fool the authorities and smuggle a few fertile beans out of Mecca strapped to his stomach.

Wherever Islam went, coffee was sure to follow. With the expansion of the Ottoman Empire, coffee quickly spread to the Eastern Mediterranean. However, it is believed that no coffee seed sprouted outside Africa or Arabia until the 17th Century, as coffee beans exported from the Arabian ports of Mocha and Jidda were rendered infertile by parching or boiling. Legend has it that this changed when a pilgrim named Baba Budan smuggled a few fertile coffee beans out of Mecca strapped to his stomach. He raised them at Karnataka, India, where a shrine bearing his name still stands.

Here at the Wholesale Coffee Company, we love all things coffee and we’ve got a great range of coffee beans, ingredients and accessories for you to buy online at wholesale prices. For more information, visit