Can drinking coffee cut your risk of diabetes?

wcc article 3Here at the Wholesale Coffee Company, we to hear about the health benefits of our favourite drink, coffee. Now, it seems that there’s some good news for coffee lovers who like to drink a moderate daily amount.  A new study of almost 9,000 people by University College London researchers has revealed that regular coffee drinkers tend to have lower BMI measurements and smaller waist sizes than non-coffee drinkers. A large waist and a high BMI are linked with metabolic syndrome, which increases the risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease.

The researchers found that coffee drinkers had around a quarter fewer symptoms of metabolic syndrome compared to non-coffee drinkers, as polyphenol compounds in the drink combats inflammatory chemicals.

A recent study led by the Harvard School of Public Health seems to support the research. Test subjects who drank an increased amount of coffee (one additional cup daily over a four year period) had an 11 per cent lower risk of type 2 diabetes that those who made no changes. Conversely, those who decreased coffee consumption by more than a cup a day had a proportionately increased risk of type 2 diabetes. The Harvard study covered both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee and analysed data taken from three other studies.

The researchers pointed out that the findings appeared to show a link between drinking a moderate daily amount of a reduced risk of diabetes, but that coffee is only one of many factors that influence risk. Maintaining a healthy weight and taking plenty of exercise remained the most important factors in combating the disease.

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