Coffee and health facts

coffee-beans-healthFrom the highlands of Ethiopia to the smart coffee shops of London, mankind has a relationship with coffee stretching back for hundreds of years. In that time, coffee has accumulated a lot of myth and mystery. To help you separate fact from fiction, here are some health-related coffee facts about our favourite drink that you might not have known.

  • Coffee is a great sourceĀ of antioxidants. Antioxidants can help protect your cells from premature aging of the skin, as well as fighting heart disease and other age-related problems. A daily coffee intake can boost natural antioxidant levels, helping reduce the signs of ageing.
  • If antioxidants is what you want from your coffee, you can choose either caffeinated or decaffeinated as both contain the same health benefits.
  • Coffee is a low calorie choice – in fact, a cup of black coffee contains almost no calories. Adding sugar, milk or syrup is what boosts the calorie content, so if you’re dieting switching to black coffee will help you maintain weight without any hidden calories.
  • Coffee boosts mental performance, helping kickstart alertness in the morning and maintain it throughout the day.
  • It also helps physical performance, helping endurance athletes to maintain peak performance for longer. It’s not clearly understood exactly what role caffeine plays, but it’s thought that it may help to inhibit fatigue signals from the brain.
  • If you’ve got a headache brewing, taking one paracetamol tablet, one ibuprofen tablet and drinking a cup of caffeinated coffee can help to stave it off as caffeine helps constrict blood vessels in your brain and reduce tension.

Drinking two cups of caffeinated coffee and a cup of decaf a day is a great way to get the health benefits. To take a look at our range of coffee beans and blends, visit our main website at