Christmas Drinks

Christmas is coming up and we’ll…drink to that. Of course, when we drink we’d love if it includes coffee. Fresh roasted coffee beans that are freshly ground to be precise. We may even roast the green coffee beans ourselves to get the perfect blend.

As it’s usually cold around Christmas time a little bit of liquor with the coffee helps to keep you warm. Find below a nice Christmas drink to keep you warm and happy. And remember, whatever you do: use fresh roasted beans of a good quality. It’s the best you can do to ensure the drink turns out nice. And of course: freshly whipped cream. Not the stuff that comes out of a can – after all you want a traditional Christmas!

We found this recipe at Recipe Hub


4 oz strong coffee
1 1/2 oz amaretto liqueur
1 1/2 oz coffee liqueur
1 oz butterscotch schnapps
1 oz creme de cocoa
fresh whipped cream
grated chocolate, for garnish


Combine strong coffee and liqueurs in a glass. Stir to combine and top with fresh whipped cream. Garnish with grated chocolate.

Serve warm or over ice.


Cold Brewed Coffee

It’s summer and iced coffees are everywhere. Frappuccinos are what the coffee shops are proudly advertising on big signs in the streets, hoping to lure in passersby with the idea of a refreshing cold drink to get their brain to wake up in the midst of the heat. If it’s noty raining of course. Being the UK you never know.

Frappuccinos and most iced coffees are usually made with regular coffee that’s then blended with ice. However, you can actually brew cold coffee. That’s right – you don’t need to heat the water first. If you are having a powercut, or are out camping, this might be good to know. It is also good to know if you like coffee and would like to find out what cold brewed coffee tastes like, as it will give you a different taste from regular coffee.

The best way to make cold brewed coffee is to have fresh coffee beans at hand that you then grind before you brew them. If you are out on a camping trip you might not have access to a coffee grinder and it’s preferred you bring already ground coffee. The best grind for cold brewed coffee is a coarse one.

You will need one cup of whole coffee beans per four cups of filtered water and the brewing process is simple: grind the beans, put them in a glass jar, pour over four cups of cold, or room temperature water, put on a lid, or cover with cling film and leave in the refrigerator for twelve hours. The filter the coffee using a regular coffee filter and either serve the coffee or keep it in the fridge for up to two weeks.

Cold brewed coffee can be a great alternative to regular coffee during summer as it’s nice to distinguish the flavour of summer! We offer green coffee beans as well so if you are looking to really get a coffee with a distinctive taste profile you can choose to roast the beans yourself as well!



Nigella has done it again – this time she has created a Tiramisu you can drink. Well, sort of. It’s like a Tiramisu only more fluid and she calls it a Tiramisini. It sounds Italian enough for us to want to try it. Anything Italian tastes nice, right? If it’s good for you is debatable, but it will make you feel good and we all know that people who are happy live longer, so in that aspect it’s most certainly healthy. And if you are worried about spiking your blood sugar levels you can always munch some cinnamon beforehand. Just make sure not to make it a daily habit as the kind of cinnamon you find in the shops is the one that lowers your blood sugar levels, but it is also poisonous in large doses (as little as a teaspoon a day), so don’t make it a daily habit. Mind you, in Sweden they eat a lot of cinnamon and they have a longer lifespan than most, so who knows? Science is confusing, go for coffee and dessert – it’s satisfying!


Preparation Method

  • Make your espresso and pour it into a heatproof jug, adding the coffee liqueur, then leave it to cool – I find ten minutes outside the window on a cool day does it!
  • Break each Savoiardi sponge finger into about four and drop the pieces into four small martini glasses, then pour the cooled espresso mixture over them. Press down gently, making sure the biscuits are soaked all over.
  • Using an electric hand-held whisk for ease, beat the egg whites in a bowl until they form soft peaks when the whisk is removed, and set aside for a moment.
  • Scrape the mascarpone into another bowl, adding the honey: I love the way its mellow sweetness marries with the Marsala (though sugar would be fine, too). Beat with the whisk (no need to clean it out first) and, when smooth, slowly beat in the Marsala.
  • Fold in the egg whites, a third at a time, then dollop this mixture over the soused Savoiardi in each glass, using a spoon to whirl it into an elegant peak at the top.
  • Let these stand in the fridge for at least 20 minutes and up to 24 hours, then dust with cocoa, pushing it through a fine-mesh strainer, just before serving.


A Shot of Alcohol, a Shot of Coffee

It’s supposed to be spring now in many parts of the world, but spring appears to arrive a tad slowly…and in other parts of the world they’re now heading from winter. So it seems almost no matter where you are, you could do with a hot shot. A hot shot of coffee and a hot shot of liquor. This is bound to bring both the desired awakening from caffeine (seeing as sunshine is lacking) and the much needed heat from the liquor as it warms you up from the inside. Not to mention that the drink itself will be hot. If it is served with cream on top, all the better as the added calories will give you yet another kick and fatten you up to resist the cold. You never knew having a drink could be all that beneficial, did you? (If you feel the need to be healthy we recommend downing a raw fruit and vegetable juice beforehand. That way you get all your nutrients in one go and can proceed to your coffee medication.)

We found a recipe from Mexico – the Mexicans are known for their hot food, hot chocolate and hot love…

So this recipe comes from I Love Coffee, an excellent blog about, well, coffee. It saved us a trip to Mexico, for which we are grateful. Then again, it’s also given us a perfectly legit excuse to go to Mexico in the name of searching for the origins of this drink. After all, coffee connoisseurs have to go to lengths to find white beaches excellent coffee.

  • Fresh, drip coffee
  • 1 oz. of White Tequila (example: Orendein brand tequila)
  • 1 oz. Cacao liqueur/syrup
  • Whipped cream (organic if possible and go for the real deal as the stuff that comes in a can rarely tastes half as good and creamy!). You will probably want sweet cream, so mix with brown sugar, honey, or maple syrup when whipping it.

In a daquiri glass, pour the shot of tequila first, then pour the hot coffee. Leave enough room at the top for plenty of whipped cream. Put a large dollop of cream on top, then slowly drizzle a shot of Cacao liqueur on top.