Coffee Blog

Coffee – A Sensitive Thing

Contrary to popular belief the survival of the fittest does not always mean the survival of the nicest. In the world of coffee this can be clearly seen. There are two main species of coffee grown – arabica coffee and robusta coffee. Arabica coffee is more highly regarded than robusta coffee and about three quarters […]

Gingerbread Lattes

It’s that time of the year. You know that time of the year. And no, we are not talking about red socks for the fireplace, or Christmas cheer here, we are talking about the time of gingerbread lattes. Sneakily you have been looking forward to them, haven’t you? And maybe, just maybe you wanted to […]

Coffee – The Weird & Wonderful

We all know that coffee awakens the nation, but what else is there to know about coffee that you may not have heard of? In 2010 a team from a BBC science program drove from Manchester to London in a converted 1988 Volkswagen Scrirocco, using roasted coffee granules as fuel. It took 10 hours and […]

The Comobar Capsule Coffee Machine

Vitro Duo Espresso, The Touch Screen Coffee Machine

Torino Coffee Vending Machine

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