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The holidays are over, so why not celebrate by making some candy? After all, there should be nice candy around all year long and not only for Christmas and New Year’s! Given all the funky stuff you find in store bought candy these days it might be nice to make a batch of your own containing whole […]
As with anything popular coffee has a lot of stories surrounding it. Some true, some fictional and some that are in between the two! Brazil, one of the biggest coffee growing countries in the world did actually not have any native coffee plants. Instead in 1727 Lt. Col. Francisco de Melo Palheta went to French Guiana to […]
Shade grown coffee might cost a penny or two more to buy, but it might be well worth your money. According to recent studies it does the environment a whole lot of good. If you clear wooded “shade” plantations first of all it will hurt the biodiversity as the animals that used to live there will either […]
Here are some chocolate and coffee combinations: Chocolate syrup in your latte turns it into a mocha – why not experiment with mixing cacao with honey, or maple syrup (or both!) and making your very own chocolate syrup to stir in? You can also sprinkle cacao and sugar atop the froth! Chocolate covered espresso beans […]
If you’re not keen on Christmas cake and mince pies, why not try this classic recipe for coffee and walnut cake? It’s easy to make, and miniature versions of the cake make great presents, either by themselves or as part of a hamper. For the best results, use strong espresso coffee made from freshly-ground coffee […]
Homemade Coffee Petit Fours If you’re looking for an easy homemade Christmas present idea, these delicious sweets are simple to make and look stunning presented in gift bags or boxes. Alternatively, why not make a couple of batches to serve with coffee or instead of pudding at a dinner party? Chocolate Coffee Beans You’ll need: […]