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Imagine walking into your local coffee shop, pub or even your home and sitting down at an interactive computerised coffee table where you can play huge board games, surf the net or do anything you’d normally do on a computer, only on a much bigger and collaborative scale. It might sound like something from the […]
It’s January, traditional season of dieting and denial, and ‘weight loss’ tops many people’s list of New Year’s resolutions. If crash diets aren’t for you, you can still make small but significant changes to your normal routine for a healthier lifestyle. If your daily ‘vice’ is a cup of coffee made from freshly-ground coffee beans, […]
The Coffee Quiz Think you’re a caffeine fiend? Find out how much you really know about your favourite drink with our coffee quiz. 1.What are ‘green’ coffee beans? a. a particular variety of bean, highly prized for their delicate flavour b. beans that have been harvested and dried but not roasted c. unripe beans 2. […]
Empty spaces, closing down sales and clone town high streets. Sound familiar? Clone towns and empty high street shop fronts aren’t new topics for discussion, but what about chain stores disguised to look like independently run shops? This is exactly what Harris + Hoole, the new chain of high street coffee shops is doing. The […]
Can coffee ‘cure’ a hangover? Whether it’s a quick after-work drink with colleagues or a full-blown formal party, most of us tend to socialise more at this time of year, and that can lead to drinking a little more alcohol as well. Unfortunately, we then have to suffer the consequences of over-indulgence the following day. […]
If you consider yourself a coffee lover you probably try to sneak in as much coffee as possible to your life. And not only in the form of freshly brewed cups of coffee to indulge in, but also ice cream, alcoholic drinks and other desserts that have coffee flavour (do you know that you can cook regular […]