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Julie and Julia is a great movie if you love food – one crazy New Yorker decided to complete all of Julia Child’s recipes from one of her book’s in one year…meaning she had to make more than a dish a day from the book! The movie follows her story, but also shows the story […]
Sounds delightfully sinful, doesn’t it? It can be rather healthy though! Chocolate is actually full of antioxidants that helps fight off disease and keep your overall immune system happy! So if you avoid mixing it with lots of sugar, but rather choose to mix it with nuts, fruits, and berries, you have a healthy breakfast […]
Chances are if you are into coffee, you might be somewhat into other drinks and food as well. You also might not. However, we found a few films that are themed around food and coffee, whether documentaries, or fiction. Black Gold – this movie is a documentary and a rather shocking portrait of what goes […]
In the previous blog we discussed using dairy milk versus soy milk and in this part we will continue to discuss those, but also move onto other milks. We recommend you read the previous blog first! Rice milk is an alternative to dairy milk that’s becoming more and more popular. It has very little protein […]
Most people these days have heard of the milk controversies going around – is dairy bad for you, or good for you? Is soy bad for you, or good for you? Should you avoid both soy and dairy and go for something like rice, or almond milk? And which milks taste best with your coffee? […]
“In Turkey, husbands were once required during their wedding vows to promise always to provide their wives with coffee and failure to do so could be used as grounds for divorce.” …if only marriage was that easy – all you needed to provide was coffee! Then again, there are ways of using coffee as a […]