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Coffee is said to be an art. A fine art. Some drink it just to get a caffeine kick in the morning (hey, it’s Monday today, we don’t blame you!), but really to make good coffee is akin to making good wine – it takes and artist with a flair for science to create the […]
Considering a coffee machine for your office or catering business? First, think about what type of milk you’d like to offer with your coffee, as different machines take different milk types. Fresh milk Most coffee drinkers would agree that fresh milk gives the ultimate taste and creaminess, and offers the best all-round experience. It’s suitable […]
Dedicated coffee connoisseurs will already know about the benefits of buying green coffee beans, and roasting them at home for the maximum coffee flavour. Did you know, though, that unroasted green coffee beans could be good for you? Health food shops and online retailers sell green coffee bean extract, which has strong antioxidant properties, similar to […]
If you’re serious about coffee, you’ll know that the only way to guarantee really freshly roasted beans is to roast them yourself in small quantities, just before you use them. Now online retailers, wholesalers and even some supermarkets have started to stock green coffee beans, they’ve become much easier to get hold of and available to […]
There really is nothing quite as inspirational as the smell of fresh roasted coffee beans in the morning. If you ever worked in a coffee shop that roasted their beans fresh, you know what we mean. As we sell green coffee beans we sometimes roast ourselves, or take a deep breath when we open the […]
Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee tree, and are found inside fruit called ‘cherries’ or ‘berries’. The berries are harvested, normally by hand, when they turn a reddish colour, which indicates ripeness. They’re then processed to separate the beans from the flesh. Green coffee beans, also called ‘raw’ or ‘unroasted’ beans, are coffee beans that have been […]