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If you like your coffee sweetened, you’ve probably already gone through the sugar versus artificial sweetener debate. Each type of sweetener has different benefits, and making the decision could be more difficult that it looks. Here, we run through the main advantages and disadvantages of sugar and artificial sweetener. Artificial Sweetener The main advantage of […]
For you coffee fanatics out there it might be a challenge to find something that adds to your coffee, rather than subtracts from it. That is to say: it makes your fresh roasted coffee beans taste even sweeter than when just having a plain cup of Joe. Here at the Wholesale Coffee Co. we consume […]
Sugar cubes or lumps have been a popular method of sweetening coffee for over 150 years. Sugar in cube form is stable, easy to store and most importantly, easy to measure, helping the coffee drinker to regulate their intake. Sugar lumps come in two varieties – sugar cubes, which are commercially manufactured to give a uniform […]
Everyone has their own way of sweetening their coffee. Your preference might be for white lump sugar, loose brown sugar or sweetener, but do you know what you’re adding to your caffeine? Here are the facts about brown sugar. The sugar gets its distinctive darker colour and flavour from molasses. The brown sugar that’s normally […]
If you’re re-packaging your own coffee beans for sale, there are several aspects to consider when designing the packaging. In addition to your own design, company logo, product name and contact details, there are also practical and legal aspects. The packaging should provide physical protection, keeping the product inside safe from any damage which might […]
When setting up a coffee shop the first thing you think of is probably not the window display. The smell of fresh roasted coffee beans, yes. The idea of roasting green coffee beans to perfection, potentially yes (if you want to roast yourself). Splendid freshly brewed coffee, most certainly yes. When people set up coffee […]