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As you might expect, we’re pretty fond of our coffee at the Wholesale Coffee Company, and we’re also partial to a bit of cake. As it’s coming up to bonfire night, here’s a recipe for a traditional oatmeal parkin, made just a little different with the addition of our favourite ingredient – coffee! You won’t […]
If your catering company, pub or restaurant is running or catering for a bonfire on November 5th, then it’s time to think about how to serve hot drinks at your outdoor event. The ideal solution is to have electricity and running water available, to enable you to operate as normal, but that might not always […]
It’ll soon be November 5th: traditional time of bonfires, fireworks, parkin cake, treacle toffee and, knowing the British weather, hot drinks. Keep yourself and your customers warm on a chilly night with our special gingerbread coffee and treacle toffee recipes. Gingerbread coffee (makes six servings) In a small, heatproof bowl, mix six tablespoons of treacle, one […]
If you’re running a commercial coffee business, such as a coffee shop or restaurant, you’ll now how important seasonal sales can be. Gear up for Hallowe’en with our pumpkin cake and Hallowe’en special coffee. For the cake: Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius, and prepare a shallow 23cm square baking tin by greasing and […]
If you’re a fan of flavoured coffee syrups, you’ll know what fantastic coffee ingredients they make, transforming a plain coffee into a luxury treat. Flavoured syrups, though, are also very useful additions to the kitchen shelf. This moist, chocolatey cake uses chocolate coffee syrup as a main ingredient, and is great for a range of […]
Love coffee? So do billions of other people, worldwide. All over the world, coffee and catering companies hold events and festivals dedicated to showcasing the best coffee-related innovations. For example: Dubai, Middle East The International Tea and Coffee festival is a trade event held annually in Dubai. This year’s event is from 6th – 9th […]