Coffee Blog

Whipped Cream and Other Coffee Toppings

Maybe the cake isn’t all about the icing, but it does help if the icing tastes nice. Otherwise, why have icing? When it comes to coffee some like it plain, some like it with milk, and some like it with topping. Whipped cream is popular for some coffees like mocha and sometimes the whip comes […]

Civet cat coffee (kopi luwak)

Probably best known as the world’s most expensive coffee, kopi luwak (civet coffee) is made from coffee berries that have been eaten and excreted by Asian Palm Civet cats, nocturnal, catlike animals native to Asia and Africa. The cats love fresh coffee berries, and they eat the ripe fruit straight from the tree, stripping off the soft, sweet […]

Christmas Drinks

Christmas is coming up and we’ll…drink to that. Of course, when we drink we’d love if it includes coffee. Fresh roasted coffee beans that are freshly ground to be precise. We may even roast the green coffee beans ourselves to get the perfect blend. As it’s usually cold around Christmas time a little bit of […]

Thanksgiving pumpkin pie with espresso

Thanksgiving is an important date in the US and Canadian calendar; a national holiday when members of the family gather together. The event is officially held to give thanks for the year’s harvest, but these days it’s used more as an excuse for a holiday and the traditional meal, consisting of turkey followed by pumpkin […]

Autumnal Tea – Tea for Autumn

It’s officially snuggle season. Even if you don’t have a significant other you can snuggle with your blanket, whilst sipping tea by the fireplace. Your home, if it isn’t already, should be filled with the scent of cinnamon and apple cider. If you live alone and think you can’t be bothered, think again. There is […]

‘Tis the Season

‘Tis the season…to drink coffee. Naturally. It’s always the season to drink coffee. However, in Christmas time you can add some extra spice to those fresh roasted coffee beans of yours. You can do so by adding traditional Christmas spice into your regular blend, like cinnamon and nutmeg for example. You can also try candy […]

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