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Here at the Wholesale Coffee Company, we love all things coffee – with the exception of coffee stains. If you like your coffee strong and black, the chances are that a few drops spilled on a white tablecloth or shirt will defy the best efforts of the washing machine. Here’s how to tackle those stains. […]
If you’ve got a favourite ceramic coffee pot or a mug or cup that’s too delicate for the dishwasher, it will inevitably become stained if you use it constantly. Such stains not only look unsightly, but if allowed to build up for long enough they may even start to affect the flavour of your coffee, […]
Vacuum coffee pots are probably the most visually appealing way of brewing fresh coffee, as the process is clearly visible at each stage and there’s a lot of movement involved. What actually happens when you put that pot on the heat source, though? The vacuum pot consists of two glass globes, sitting one on top […]
Vacuum pots are a brewing method used by coffee connoisseurs to produce a fresh-tasting, sediment free cup of coffee. If you’re new to vacuum pot brewing, here’s our guide to how to brew the perfect cup. As all vacuum pots are slightly different, remember to read your manufacturer’s instructions first. 1. Take the coffee mug […]
In the 1840s, engineer James Napier developed a method for brewing coffee via a siphon and vacuum system. His method was extremely popular, as it resulted in a cup of coffee that contained no sediment. His apparatus was expensive and fragile by the standards of the day, but modern manufacturing methods mean that vacuum coffee […]
March 1st is the feast day of St David, patron saint of Wales. Legend has it that he died on that day in the 6th century, and so 1st March is a national holiday in Wales. Inject a little Welsh flavour into your coffee break this week with these homemade Welsh cakes, a crumbly, moist […]