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This sophisticated chocolate and coffee dinner party dessert will draw admiration from your guests. ‘Semifreddo’ just means ‘semi frozen’, and this dessert is so rich and creamy it should be served in small pots so as not to overface your guests. It needs to be prepared at least 12 hours in advance, so it’s best […]
Once roasted, coffee beans quickly lose their flavour and should be used as quickly as possible for a fresh-tasting cuppa. If you’re running a catering business, though, it’s not always possible to estimate quantities correctly all the time and you could end up with some roasted beans left over. These can be stored in the […]
Iced coffee is a delicious drink in the warmer weather, maybe with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, some crushed ice or a few spices added. Traditionally, cold coffee is brewed as hot coffee, then allowed to cool. However, it’s possible to brew the coffee using cold water in the first place – it takes […]
As a dedicated coffee drinker, the chances are you’ll already have a domestic coffee machine and be brewing your own fresh coffee at home. We’ve got a few simple tips to improve the taste of your daily cuppa and raise it from delicious to absolutely perfect. 1. Use the best quality coffee beans you can. […]
If you’ve got a batch of coffee beans that have been overlooked in the cupboard and are past their best, you can still make the most of them. Although they won’t be top quality for drinking, you can make them into jewellery. You’ll need a quantity of coffee beans, some jewellers elasticated cord, a darning […]
The growing popularity of coffee in the late 19th and earlier 20th centuries meant the appearance on the market of many beautifully crafted coffee sets, consisting of fine porcelain cups and saucers, silver pots, milk jugs, sugar basins and spoons. Many antique collectors and coffee connoisseurs appreciate these sets for their attractive appearance and history, […]