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if you’ve got a coffee lover in your life, buy them a coffee-themed gift with a difference. Here are five of our favourites. 1. Coffee necklace, Gift Wrapped and Gorgeous This pretty pendant necklace features a coffee cup hand stamped onto a fine silver disc, which measures approximately 15mm. Each […]
This could possibly be the ultimate indulgence – rich, gooey chocolate brownies topped with squidgy coffee icing. These are great for a dinner party, served with vanilla ice cream, or make in small batches for a treat. You’ll need (makes 8 – 12): For the brownies 180g butter or margerine, softened 180g good quality dark chocolate 85g plain […]
Since the coffee bean was first introduced from French Guiana in the 18th century, Brazil has quickly become the world’s largest coffee producer. Unlike Colombia, where the size of the farms are limited by rugged terrain, plantations in Brazil can be immense. With no natural boundaries to stop the expansion, some plantations are run on an industrial scale with hundreds or […]
If you’re hosting a coffee morning or just expecting a houseful over the weekend, this super simple tray bake will solve your catering problems. Serve with a big mug of your favourite coffee for an extra caffeine hit. You’ll need: 250g granulated sugar 250g margarine or butter, softened 250g self-raising flour 4 freerange eggs 90ml freshly […]
This simple sweets are a great end to a dinner party, served with a cup of espresso. Although we know there’s no-one out there who doesn’t like coffee, dividing the mixture and making a few sweets flavoured with rose water, orange essence or peppermint will allow you to make a pretty pattern on the serving […]
For the coffee lover who really does have everything, how about a special coffee spoon just for making their favourite drink? We’ve picked out five of our favourites. 1. Ceramic animal spoon, Berry Red This pretty little spoon is made from white ceramic, and features either a bird or […]