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Here at the Wholesale Coffee Company, we live, work and …er…drink coffee. A lot. In fact, it pretty much fuels our working day. It’s not just us who find it inspirational, though – here are some quotes that underline just how important coffee is to almost everyone. “If it weren’t for the coffee, I’d […]
Paper, polystyrene, china, pottery, glass, metal….it seems you can made a coffee cup out of more or less anything, but what’s it doing to the taste of the drink? We take a look at what to use and when to use it. Paper Paper cups are often seen at events and in situations where breakable […]
Here at the Wholesale Coffee Company, we love to hear good things about our favourite drink. It seems that the scientific world agree with us too, as a new study has revealed how coffee could help in the fight against bowel cancer. The study, carried out by the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, is the […]
From the highlands of Ethiopia to the smart coffee shops of London, mankind has a relationship with coffee stretching back for hundreds of years. In that time, coffee has accumulated a lot of myth and mystery. To help you separate fact from fiction, here are some health-related coffee facts about our favourite drink that you […]
Twinkle, twinkle, little star; how I wonder what you are. Next time you look up into the night sky and see a bright star, it could be the International Space Station, where astronauts have just succeeded in making coffee that’s literally out of this world. The problem with space coffee up to now has been that […]
At the Wholesale Coffee Company, we think any time of the day is a good time to drink coffee. From kicking off with a cappuccino to unwinding with a decaff at the end of the day, coffee’s a big part of our everyday routine. It turns out, though, that drinking coffee first thing in the […]