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We love to build time for coffee into every part of our day, and that’s especially true at Christmas. Here are our top ‘coffees for Christmas’ to help you enjoy your day. First thing on Christmas Day morning Getting up late, opening presents…the perfect accompaniment to Christmas Day morning is a long, indulgent coffee. Make […]
There’s good news for UK providers of speciality coffees such as lattes and cappuccinos – according to The Future of Coffee, a recently-published report by Allegra World Coffee Portal, (WCP), the market speciality coffee drinks looks set to rise by 13 per cent year on year. That’s more than the expected growth of 10 per cent across […]
Deck the halls with boughs of holly, tra la la la……it’s only six weeks until Christmas, and we’re getting in the mood with these festive coffee cocktails. Don’t forget to order your coffee beans from us in plenty of time to make sure your Christmas (and that of your customers) goes with a swing. Alcoholic […]
Unless you’re a dedicated coffee geek and like to roast your own beans, chances are that by the time you see your coffee beans they’ve been roasted and packaged. Home roasting coffee beans is an inexact science, as to produce a consistent result a whole range of factors need to be the same every time. […]
Here at the Wholesale Coffee Company, you’d expect us to be big fans of coffee. Until recently, though there was a bit of a perception that coffee was incompatible with a healthy lifestyle and was on many people’s list of ‘thing to give up for Lent’. A number of recent scientific research studies, though, reveals […]
Most large commercial coffee companies employer a professional ‘cupper’, or taster, or even a team of people. As coffee is an organic product and subject to variation caused by a number of factors including weather, the taster’s job is to evaluate and assess each batch for consistency, and also to assess new blends. Tasters have […]