Coffee Blog

Coffee news: independent cafe sparks online debate

The owners of a Surrey cafe have found themselves involved in an online discussion after they rebuked a large group of customers for not buying enough food and drink. Many of us now treat cafes as an extension of our offices, browsing the internet, sending emails and arranging to meet clients. With the recent upsurge […]

Gin cocktail coffee recipe

This recipe, a twist on the classic Irish coffee, is perfect for keeping the unseasonable chills at bay this month. The classic Irish whiskey is replaced with gin and coffee liqueur for a warming kick. To serve one, you’ll need: 25ml good quality gin 10g good quality coffee beans 15ml coffee liqueur, such as Tia […]

Why coffee shops are going back to basics

A few years ago, you were simply no-one if you didn’t have free wifi available in your coffee shop. From businessmen to teenagers checking social media, the first question many people ask is ‘What’s your wifi password?’ – often before they’ve even ordered a drink. Now, coffee shops across the UK are starting to buck […]

Why Rwanda is full of beans about coffee

Some of the best coffee in the world is grown in the African country of Rwanda, but its population is still a nation of tea drinkers. Now, a new government campaign is encouraging people to try the results of all their hard work, and drink coffee. Coffee is Rwanda’s leading export, and boosting domestic consumption […]

Choc-ful of comfort – why hot chocolate will never go out of fashion

While you’ll never tear us away from our cup of coffee, there are times, we have to admit, when only a hot chocolate quite hits the mark. Forever associated in our minds with comfort and cosiness, the colder it gets outside the more people crave it. A mug of hot chocolate at the end of […]

Could this be the world’s best hangover cure?

It’s that time of year again – lots of socialising, some (purely social) drinking and a few late nights leave you feeling a little below par. A simple way to feel better is to drink lots of water (the majority of hangover symptoms are caused by dehydration), then have a cup of coffee and an […]

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