Coffee Blog

Coffee fads: coffee in a cone

Compared to other recent coffee fads, such as coffee served in an avocado shell (really, we’re not making it up), this one seems almost tame. In fact, it’s not really a coffee fad at all, more a coffee cup fad. While it’s certainly environmentally responsible to use a non-plastic container for your coffee, we think […]

Espresso or latte? It’s all in your genes.

Ever wondered why you can knock back three cups of coffee in one go while your other half can never drink more than one? A study carried out by Harvard School of Public Health, in conjunction with Brigham and Women’s Hospital researchers, could hold the answers. The study involved analysing the coffee drinking habits of […]

UK coffee drinkers spend around £16,000 on takeaways over lifetime

Do you like to stop off at your favourite coffee shop for a cappuccino or latte on your way to work? If so, you’re definitely not alone. As a nation, we spend around £130 million a week on takeaway coffee, which works out to around £400 a year or £16,000 over a lifetime. Nationwide, that adds up […]

Perfect partners: specific food and coffee pairings

Pairing the right food with the right coffee can be a tricky business, as the combination needs to enhance each component rather than over-power. In our last blog post, we looked at what types of food work generally with which types of coffee. Now, we’re going to look in more detail about exactly what goes […]

Perfect partners: how to pair coffee with other foods

Coffee and cake, anyone? Coffee and full English breakfast? As well as these traditional partners, coffee goes surprisingly well with a wide range of other foods, and taste-savvy consumers are pairing it just like wine. We find out how it’s done. What to look for in your coffee The trick to getting the right food/coffee […]

How coffee was the inspiration for the world’s first webcam

If you can’t get any work done without coffee, you’re not alone. Coffee is such a vital component of the working day that at the beginning of the 1990s it was the inspiration for the world’s first webcam. Without coffee, we may not have had all the live video streaming technology we now take for […]

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