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January may traditionally be the season of denial, with diets and budgeting figuring largely in everyone’s calendars, but we believe that it’s not a good idea to squeeze all the fun out of life! You’re much more likely to stick to a plan if you allow yourself the occasional lapse, and after all, we all […]
Can we offer you a cup of tea? Or coffee? Or, if you can’t make up your mind, how about a hybrid version of both? The new kid on the block is coffee leaf tea, made from the leaves of the coffee plant rather than from beans. Scientists have discovered that the brew contains high […]
From the country that brought you flat whites and avo-lattes (that’s lattes served in a hollowed-out avocado half, folks, try and keep up!) comes 2019’s big coffee trend prediction. Sales of non-dairy milk such as almond and soy have been steadily climbing, both among lactose-intolerant customers and those who think that non-dairy whiteners are a […]
It seems like just drinking your espresso plain and black isn’t good enough any more. Here are three coffee trends involving adding extra bits and pieces to your caffeine fix – we think we’ll just stick with a dash of semi-skimmed, thanks. Fizzy coffee: Apparently big in Italy, this is a soft of caffeinated soft […]
The ingredients of the perfect breakfast have always been hot coffee, toast, butter and marmalade. Now, though, we’re being encouraged to start combining some of those ingredients in slightly odd ways. The French like to dip their thickly-buttered toast into their milky coffee first thing in the morning – but here’s a trend that cuts […]
Every time we think we’ve really heard it all in the world of coffee, something else comes along to prove us wrong. A Slovakian inventor and heavy coffee drinker, David Nagy, was so concerned with coffee potentially staining his teeth that he came up with a brand new invention – clear coffee, which he claims […]